Term Papers, Final Exams, and Your Grandmother

Did you know that if you’re a grandmother and you have a grandchild in college, you’re 19 times more likely to become gravely ill and pass away before they have a major term paper due or have to take a final exam? You probably didn’t know our grandchildren’s term paper due dates and final exams could be a predictor of mortality rates.
I’ll explain more this weekend, and tell you what this has to do with what’s next in our journey through the Gospel of Luke. This coming weekend, I won’t be covering as large of a chunk of Luke as I have the last couple of weekends. For the most part we’ll be in one short story – Luke 9:57-62. It’s a story that has big implications for our lives. (The timing of this story being this week also fits with the beginning of Lent, if you happen to be observing it this year.)
If you’re getting on the road this weekend, don’t forget our Thursday night option at 6:45 pm at the Vista Ridge campus!
I’ll explain more this weekend, and tell you what this has to do with what’s next in our journey through the Gospel of Luke. This coming weekend, I won’t be covering as large of a chunk of Luke as I have the last couple of weekends. For the most part we’ll be in one short story – Luke 9:57-62. It’s a story that has big implications for our lives. (The timing of this story being this week also fits with the beginning of Lent, if you happen to be observing it this year.)
If you’re getting on the road this weekend, don’t forget our Thursday night option at 6:45 pm at the Vista Ridge campus!
Recently, we’ve begun hosting an online service at 11:00 am on Sundays. You’ll be able to find it at thebranch.org on Sundays. We’ve spent the last few weeks ironing out some wrinkles and will continue to do so.
This will enable people to join us for an entire service through their devices, and someone from our staff will be hosting that service online. Prayer requests can be shared, questions can be asked, etc.
It’s not our intention for this service to be a substitute for being present in person in our worship gatherings. There are things we experience in person – including the love and encouragement we can give to others – that are not entirely “downloadable.” They don't translate through cyberspace.
Recently, we’ve begun hosting an online service at 11:00 am on Sundays. You’ll be able to find it at thebranch.org on Sundays. We’ve spent the last few weeks ironing out some wrinkles and will continue to do so.
This will enable people to join us for an entire service through their devices, and someone from our staff will be hosting that service online. Prayer requests can be shared, questions can be asked, etc.
It’s not our intention for this service to be a substitute for being present in person in our worship gatherings. There are things we experience in person – including the love and encouragement we can give to others – that are not entirely “downloadable.” They don't translate through cyberspace.
It’s our desire for it be a resource, though, that can help you introduce others in our area to The Branch, with the hope that they would one day join us in person. It will give someone a window through which to look and get an idea of what a service at The Branch is like, and to be influenced in the direction of Jesus. More and more, people first visit all kinds of places “online” before they do “in person.” While people have been able to watch videos of the messages for some time, now they can also get a glimpse of our services. This online service will also be another avenue through which someone can initiate contact with The Branch.
For those who live beyond the vicinity of our campuses, it can be a resource for them to use while looking for a church home, or even a tool to help them cultivate a church with others within their homes. We do have people beyond the vicinity of our campuses who have been using the sermon videos and small group curriculum as a tool to help their own small group or home church experience.
Finally, we do hope it can be a resource for you if illness or some other circumstance prevents you from being with us in person some Sunday.
For technical questions or more info regarding the online service on Sundays at 11:00 am, please contact our Director of Technology, Kyle Poff: [email protected]
See you Thursday night or Sunday!
Grace and Peace,
For those who live beyond the vicinity of our campuses, it can be a resource for them to use while looking for a church home, or even a tool to help them cultivate a church with others within their homes. We do have people beyond the vicinity of our campuses who have been using the sermon videos and small group curriculum as a tool to help their own small group or home church experience.
Finally, we do hope it can be a resource for you if illness or some other circumstance prevents you from being with us in person some Sunday.
For technical questions or more info regarding the online service on Sundays at 11:00 am, please contact our Director of Technology, Kyle Poff: [email protected]
See you Thursday night or Sunday!
Grace and Peace,
Posted in Chris Seidman Weekly Update