Bible Study - THE HOLY SPIRIT PPP - Not the Same Old Ducks
Sermon-Based Bible Study – November 7, 2021
- What is something God has done for you that you are thankful for, or are celebrating? How have you experienced God’s love and faithfulness this week?
- Where are you experiencing stress, anxiety or discouragement? How would you like to see God move in your life or in the life of someone close to you?
- What did you hear in this week’s sermon that was new or particularly interesting? Did anything stand out to you as puzzling or troubling?
- If you were in the main dining hall at the Olympic village eating breakfast and heard a mighty rushing wind, saw tongues of flame separate and hover over the individual Rugby team members from Australia and they all started declaring the wonders of God in Chinese, Hindi, German, Arabic, Farsi, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese and French, how would you react?
- Read Acts 2:1-13. Make a list of the ways you see the outward or observable manifestations of the Holy Spirit in this passage. Are there any ways you see the manifestation of the Holy Spirt at work on the hearts and minds of the disciples? How about the crowd, do you see the Holy Spirit at work in them in any way?
- Read Acts 2:14-21. Peter tells the crowd that they are witnessing prophesy being fulfilled, a promise of God being kept. Look back at the prophesy Peter quotes from Joel 2. What stands out to you as particularly interesting? What, if anything, about the prophesy surprises you? Why?
- Make a list of the ways the Holy Spirit made a demonstrable difference in the lives of the disciples. What demonstrable difference in your life has the Holy Spirit made?
- Read Acts 4:8; 4:31 and 13:9. It appears from these passages that Peter was “filled with the Holy Spirit” on multiple occasions. The filling and empowerment of the Spirit is not a one-time event but can be a repeatable experience in a believer’s life. Why might the Holy Spirit fill you on a specific occasion? Have you ever prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill you? When you pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you is it more for your personal benefit or for the glory of Jesus?
- Read Ephesians 3:16-18 and Romans 15:13. What do these passages reveal about how to pray, or why we should pray for a filling of the Holy Spirit?
- What is a simple, next step you could take in obedience to what the Spirit is saying to you through this time in the Word? Who would benefit, or be interested in hearing about what you’ve learned in this study?