Bible Study - MATTHEW: KING AND KINGDOM - Back of the Christmas Tree
Sermon-Based Bible Study – December 12, 2021
- What is something God has done for you that you are thankful for, or are celebrating? How have you experienced God’s love and faithfulness this week?
- Where are you experiencing stress, anxiety or discouragement? How would you like to see God move in your life or in the life of someone close to you?
- What did you hear in this week’s sermon that was new or particularly interesting? Did anything stand out to you as puzzling or troubling?
- Do you have any famous/infamous ancestors? To what extent does knowing someone’s parents, or more remote ancestors, help you understand or know that person? How has your family’s history impacted or influenced your life?
- Read Matthew 1:1; Genesis 12:1-3 and 2 Samuel 7:8-15. In what sense is verse 1 a complete genealogy of the Messiah?
- Read Matthew 1:2-16. Which people in this list of Jesus’s ancestors do you have little or no knowledge of? Do any of the people in this list stand out to you as particularly interesting or noteworthy? Why? Which ancestor, or aspect of Jesus’s family history, do think probably had the most immediate impact on his life? Why?
- Read Isaiah 7:14. Here the prophet says that the Messiah will be called “Immanuel” which means God with us. In what way does Jesus’s family tree affirm that God is with us?
- How does the genealogy of Jesus help you to see God’s integrity? God’s grace? God’s sovereignty?
- Read Matthew 1:18-24. What do these verses seem to say about the character and priorities of Joseph? Do you see the character and priorities of Joseph reflected in the life of Jesus? In what sense is Joseph the father of Jesus?
- What is a simple, next step you could take in obedience to what the Spirit is saying to you through this time in the Word? Who would benefit, or be interested in hearing about what you’ve learned in this study?